For the last couple of weeks, I set out to create a photo realistic watch. I wanted to improve on my vector skills, specifically the gradient tool, shadows, and highlights. This project also helped me to analyze photos in greater detail and gain a better understanding of how light and reflection works to make an object look cohesive. 

Before I could dive into Illustrator, I had to sketch out what style of watch I wanted to create. I began by sketching out various kinds of parts from a watch. I needed to determine what type of watch hands, crowns, straps, and dials to use for this project. I found the sketching process for the watch to be easier than past projects. I enjoy having a photo to reference while creating vector art. This is most likely due to my left side brain dominating my right. 
These are my first few drafts. Right away I noticed I had trouble creating shapes that looked like pieces of the watch. My lugs were flat instead of looking like one piece. I also couldn't quite figure out how to recreate the shape of the straps in the reference photo. After each attempt I got closer and closer, but I still wasn't able to make it look like I wanted to. This is something I want to rework on in the future. 
I received critiques such as: using colors that didn't look like real brass, specifically too much yellow and gray. I needed to soften my highlight and shadows by using Gaussian Blur to make my watch look like a flat object rather than one with corners. I also needed to clean up some of my blurring so it wouldn't bleed onto other sections of the watch. 
After adjusting my watch, I did notice a difference. I believed it helped make my watch look more like the reference photo. I still have a few places where I would like to continue editing, but for now I think I will give my head a rest. 
I am very happy I had the opportunity to create a photo realistic watch using Adobe Illustrator. There are many details that go into making a photo realistic vector, including texture. I worked with texture for the first time on this project and it took me on a rollercoaster of emotions. However, now that I know how to create one, the next time I use one will be much smoother. I have most definitely gained a greater understanding on light, shadows, and reflection. I put in a substantial amount of time and effort to create this watch and I can't wait to do it again. I know I will get better every time I do.

Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell
